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B Kinder Day (22nd June)

If you’re looking for meaningful ways to bring more kindness into the world, read on...

B Kinder Day is about being kind to others in honor of a 12-year-old girl who cared about her community and those around her.

Billie Kinder, a Year 6 student from Australia was always happy, cheerful, and kind. Unfortunately, a tragedy struck when Bille died in a horse-riding accident. Her mother, Danny Mayson-Kinder, create B Kinder Day, in honour of her daughter to empower children to make a difference in the world.

B Kinder Day emphasizes the message of hope, empathy, and change in the world. The purpose of B Kinder Day is to show the rippling effects of kindness. It was created hoping that schools all over the world would participate in the event.

Ways to celebrate this day

  • Spread kindness to your loved ones and those in your community.

    • Make a greeting card or draw a picture and give it to someone you love.

    • Give hugs, give compliments, and empathize with others.

  • Volunteer at a local charity for a cause you care about.

    • Ask your friend and family to play at the the playground with you.

    • Listen to them.

    • Read to your younger siblings.

A little bit of kindness goes a very long way! What other ways can you think of?

Check out these products that inspires kindness.

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